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Regulations by country

This information has been compiled by us with the utmost care. We are not liable for any inaccuracies or imperfections.


Exemption for indivisible load required from: 22,00 x 3,00 x 4,00 x 50.000 kg.

In the Netherlands, a distinction is made between a long-term permit and an incidental permit.

Roaming permit:

A long-term permit can be applied for on the registration number of a tractor or semi-trailer. The long-term permit is valid for one year in the Netherlands. The maximum dimensions are:

Tractor unit: 22,00 x 3,50 x 4,25 x 50.000 kg.
Trailer: 27,50 x 3,50 x 4,25 x 100.000 kg.

For a long-term permit, the maximum dimensions depend on the technical capabilities of the vehicle.

Incidental permit:

If a long-term permit is not sufficient, an incidental permit can be applied for. An incidental permit is valid for a minimum of four and a maximum of twelve weeks.

Pilot cars

When it comes to regulations regarding transport guidance, a distinction is made in the Netherlands between the secondary road network and the superordinate road network.

In general, the following schemes can be used:

All public roads, except highways:

Lenght (m)

Width (m)

Weight (kg)

Escort cars

22,00 – 27,50

3,00 – 3,50



27,51 – 32,00

3,51 – 4,00



32,01 – 50,00

4,01 – 4,50



> 50,01

> 5,01



Motorways, incl. public road numbers: N2, N3, N7, N15, N57 (Rotterdam – Brielle):

Lenght (m)

Width (m)

Weight (kg)

Escort cars

22,00 – 40,00

3,00 – 4,00



40,01 – 50,00

4,01 – 4,50




4,51 – 5,00



> 50,00

> 5,01



Self-propelled equipment

Different regulations apply to self-propelled equipment, such as mobile cranes. In this case, an exemption is required if:

Width > 3,00 m.

Lenght > 20,00 m.

Axle weight > 12.000 kg.

Total weight > 60.000 kg.

Transport escort is prescribed if the total weight exceeds 84,000 kg.  

Driving times:

With regard to driving times, a distinction is also made between the overlying and underlying road network. Below is an overview of the driving times. There are in principle no restrictions on Saturdays and Sundays, but the advice of the road authority is decisive.

All public roads, except highways:

Lenght (m)

Width (m)

Weight (kg)

Driving times:

40,01 – 50,00


10:00 – 15:00 en 20:00 – 06:00

> 50,00


20:00 – 06:00


4,01 – 4,50


10:00 – 15:00 en 20:00 – 06:00


4,51 – 5,00


20:00 – 06:00


> 5,00


22:00 – 06:00



> 100.000

10:00 – 15:00 en 20:00 – 06:00


Lenght (m)

Width (m)

Weight (kg)

Driving times:

40,01 – 50,00


10:00 – 15:00 en 20:00 – 06:00

> 50,00


20:00 – 06:00


4,01 – 4,50


10:00 – 15:00 en 20:00 – 06:00


4,51 – 5,00


20:00 – 06:00


> 5,00


22:00 – 06:00



> 100.000

10:00 – 15:00 en 20:00 – 06:00


Permits for indivisible cargo required from: 16,50 x 2,55 x 4,00 x 44.000 kg.

In the case of a truck with a trailer, a permit for indivisible load is required from: 18,75 x 2,55 x 4,00 x 44.000 kg.

A permit is required for a single vehicle if the total length is more than twelve meters.

There are different types of permits in Belgium. The table below shows the different types of permits, with the associated maximum dimensions and the period of validity.

Type permit

Max. dimensions (LxWxH)

Max. weight (kg)


Whole of Belgium

27,00 x 3,50 x 4,00

44.000 kg.

5 years

Network motorways

30,00 x 4,25 x 4,30

44.000 kg.

1 year

Network 90

30,00 x 4,25 x 4,50

90.000 kg.

1 year

Network 120

35,00 x 5,00 x 4,80

120.000 kg.

4 months

Route permit

Described below

Described below

2 months

Whole of Belgium:

A Whole Belgium permit can, as the name suggests, be used throughout Belgium.

Network motorways:

In Belgium, motorways with a maximum mass of 44,000 kg may be used. and a height of up to 4.30.

Network 90 of 120:
In Belgium, prescribed exemptions are used. Prescribed routes have been determined in Belgium that a transport with a Network 90 or 120 permit may use. The routes run throughout Belgium and cover, for example, the ports in Antwerp and Zeebrugge.

Route permit:

An Itinerary permit can be requested if the transport dimensions exceed the above dimensions, or if the final destination does not fall within the network.

Network cranes:

In addition to the above exemptions, Belgium also has the Network cranes exemption for the transport of self-propelled equipment.

Pilot cars

With regard to transport assistance, the schedule below can be adhered to.

Lenght (m)

Width (m)

Height (m)

Weight (kg)

Escort cars

16,50 – 30,00

2,56 – 3,50

4,00 – 4,80

40.000 – 90.000


30,01 – 35,00

3,51 – 4,50


90.000 – 180.000


35,01 – 40,00

4,51 – 5,00

> 4,80

> 180.000


> 40,00

> 5,00




Driving bans 

In the diagram below the driving bans that apply in Belgium.

Lenght (m)

Width (m)

Weight (kg)

Driving bans

27,00 – 30,00


07:00 – 09:00 en 16:00 – 18:00

> 30,00


06:00 – 21:00


3,50 – 4,00


06:00 – 21:00, motorways with less than 3 lanes the same direction.
07:00- 09:00 en 16:00 – 18:00, other roads.


> 4,00


06:00 – 21:00



07:00 - 09:00 en 16:00 – 18:00

The day before a public holiday, all exceptional transport is prohibited from 16:00 to 24:00 on the public holiday. In addition, all abnormal loads are prohibited from Saturday 12:00 to Sunday 24:00.
During snowfall, rain, fog, as a result of which visibility is less than 200 meters, an exceptional transport is not allowed to drive. There is also a driving ban for exceptional transports with ice or snow on the road.


Permit for indivisible load required from: 16.50 x 2.55 x 4.00 x 40,000 kg.

In the case of a motor vehicle with a trailer, a permit for an indivisible load is required from: 18.75 x 2.55 x 4.00 x 40,000 kg.

Als het gaat om ontheffingen wordt in Duitsland een onderscheid gemaakt op basis van paragraven.

When it comes to exemptions, a distinction is made in Germany on the basis of paragraphs. If the vehicle meets the legally permitted maximum dimensions but the load is too long, too high or too wide, as permit is required in Germany according to §46.

When a vehicle exceeds the permitted maximum dimensions and/or weights, both a permit according to §70 and a permit according to §29 and §46 are required.

A §70 is a vehicle approval for vehicles or combinations with which the legal maximum dimensions can be exceeded. The basis for granting a §70 is a TUV Gutachten. A TUV Gutachten contains the technical data of the vehicle combination. A TUV Gutachten is often provided with the purchase of a new trailer, you can also contact B-Exceptional for this.

A permit in accordance with §29 can be requested on the basis of a §70. A permit according to §29 is an incidental permit that is valid for a maximum of three months.

The price of a German permit under §29 is determined on the basis of seven different factors. Not all of these factors can be determined in advance. For a non-binding estimated price for your permit, please contact our permit department.

In the field of German permits, we work closely with our German sister company. In this way we can make maximum use of the knowledge of the German road network that is present within the B-Exceptional / NL Exceptioneel group. Mutual cooperation is also of great importance when it comes to cooperation with the German authorities.  

Pilot cars

 In Germany there are no framed regulations regarding transport assistance. Whether, and in what form, transport assistance is required depends on what is prescribed in the permit. These regulations may differ from county to county. The regulations depend on various factors, such as the dimensions of the transport or any roadworks.

In Germany there are different gradations when it comes to transport accompaniments. For example, BF2, BF3, BF4 or Hilfepolizei can be prescribed in a permit.

Our sister company in Germany has both BF2, BF3 and BF4 vehicles and can also organize HiPo (Hilfepolizei) and police escort. Some Belgian B-Exceptional escort car drivers are also trained to be allowed to guide in Germany as BF2 or BF3.

 Driving times:

In Germany, driving times for exceptional transport are prescribed in the exemption. Driving times may vary by county.


Permits for indivisible cargo required from: 16,50 x 2,55 x 4,00 x 44.000 kg.

In the case of a truck with a trailer, a permit for indivisible load is required from: 18,75 x 2,55 x 4,00 x 44.000 kg.

In France there are a number of options when it comes to exemptions. Below is an overview of the different types of permits.

Type permit

Max. dimensions (LxWxH)

Max. weight



20,00 x 3,00 x 4,50

48.000 kg.

3 years


25,00 x 4,00 x 4,50

48.000 kg.

2 years

CAT 2 op specifieke route

25,00 x 4,00 x 4,50

72.000 kg.

1 year

CAT 3 op specifieke route

> 25,00 x 4,00 x 4,50 

72.000 kg.

1 to 6 months

A roadmap is required for the standard CAT 1 and 2 permits. These route maps show the routes belonging to the relevant network. You can order a network card from B-Exceptional.

In addition to a CAT permit, it is also possible in France to apply for a local permit on a specific route, or for a so-called connection permit that connects to the CAT 2 network.

Pilot cars

With regard to the escort cars, the schedule below can be used for France. If the box is colored gray and contains no text, this means that this size does not apply in the above category. An example to illustrate. A CAT 1 exemption has a maximum length of twenty metres, which means that only the first section is applicable for a CAT 1 exemption.  


Width (m):

Lenght (m):



CAT 3 ≤ 72t

CAT 3 ≤ 120t

CAT 3 > 120t

< 3m00

< 20m00





20m01 – 25m00



25m01 – 30m00




2 + Motorbike escort

30m01 – 40m00


3m01 – 4m00

< 25m00






25m01 – 30m00



2 + Motorbike escort

30m01 – 40m00


4m01 – 4m50

< 25m00




2 + Motorbike escort

25m01 – 30m00


30m01 – 40m00


4m51 – 5m00

< 40m00



2 + Motorbike escort

> 5m00

> 40m00


2 + Motorbike escort


Motorbike escort:

Motorbike escort contains a private escorts on yellow motorbikes. If no motorbike escorts are available, the police can supervise the transport. It is also possible that police escort is prescribed on the basis of the permit.

Driving times:

Driving times in France can differ per department and per motorway. A driving ban applies throughout France for exceptional transports from Saturday, or the day before a public holiday, 12:00, up to and including Monday or the day following a public holiday, 06:00. Driving is prohibited in snowfall, sleet or poor visibility.


Permit for indivisible load required from: 16.50 x 2.55 x 4.00 x 40,000 kg.

In the case of a motor vehicle with a trailer, a permit for an indivisible load is required from: 18.75 x 2.55 x 4.00 x 40,000 kg.

In Luxembourg, a distinction is made between two types of permits.

Type permit

Max. dimensions (LxWxH)

Max. weight



25,00 x 3,50 x 4,30

44.000 kg.

1 year


> 25,00 x 4,00 x 4,50

> 48.000 kg.

3 tot 12 maanden


When an abnormal load transport in Luxembourg exceeds the following dimensions, two escorts are always required: 25.00 x 3.50 x 4.30 x 70t.

If a transport is bigger than 35.00 x 4.00 x 4.50 x 100t. Police escort is prescribed in Luxembourg.

Driving bans

The following driving times apply to Luxembourg. Here a distinction is made between motorways and national roads. Below is an overview of the applicable restrictions.


  • From Monday to Thursday from 07:00 to 09:00 and from 16:30 to 19:00.
  • On Fridays from 07:00 to 09:00 and from 11:30 to 19:00.
  • In addition, driving bans apply between 07:00 and 08:00 and 17:00 and 18:30 on the A1, A3, A4, A6 and A13 motorways.
  • There are also driving bans between 11:30 and 12:30 and 13:30 and 14:30 on the A3, A4 and A6 motorways.
  • On the day before a public holiday from 11:30 am to 6:00 am on the day after the public holiday.
  • In case of snow or ice, or when visibility is less than 200 meters, a driving ban applies.

National roads:

  • From Monday to Thursday from 07:00 to 09:00 and from 16:30 to 19:00.
  • On Fridays from 07:00 to 09:00 and from 13:30 to 19:00.
  • In addition, driving bans apply between 07:00 and 08:00 and 17:00 and 18:30 on the A1, A3, A4, A6 and A13 motorways.
  • There are also driving bans between 11:30 and 12:30 and 13:30 and 14:30 on the A3, A4 and A6 motorways.
  • On the day before a public holiday from 11:30 am to 6:00 am on the day after the public holiday.
  • In case of snow or ice, or when visibility is less than 200 meters, a driving ban applies.


Whether a permit is required in Denmark depends on the dimensions of the cargo and the technical possibilities of the combination. Below an overview.


Permit necessary upward of

Tractor unit and standard trailer

16,50 x 3,30 x 4,10 x 40.000 kg

Tractor unit with extendable trailer without steering axles

22,00 x 3,30 x 4,10 x 40.000 kg.

Tractor unit with extendable trailer with steering axles

30,00 x 3,30 x 4,10 x 40.000 kg.

Truck and trailer

18,75 x 3,30 x 4,10 x 40.000 kg.

Pilot cars

When an abnormal load transport in Denmark is longer than 30 meters, transport assistance is prescribed. As far as width is concerned, transport guidance is mandatory from 3.65 on public roads and from 4.00 on motorways.

Driving bans

Driving bans in Denmark vary by region. For more information about driving bans in Denmark, please contact our permit department. 


Permit for indivisible load required from: 16.50 x 2.55 x 4.00 x 40,000 kg.

In the case of a motor vehicle with a trailer, a permit for an indivisible load is required from: 18.75 x 2.55 x 4.00 x 40,000 kg.


Max. dimensions

Permitted roads



Width until 3,50

All public roads

12 months


23,00 x 3,20  4,30 x 40.000 kg.

All public roads

1, 6, 12 or 24 months


Trailer without steering axles:
23,00 x 3,40 x 4,30 x 40.000 kg.

Trailer steering axles:
30,00 x 3,40 x 4,30 x 40.000 kg.

National roads and motoways

1, 6, 12 or 24 months


Trailer without steering axles:
23,00 x 4,00 x 4,30 x 60.000 kg.

Trailer steering axles:
30,00 x 4,00 x 4,30 x 60.000 kg.

All public roads

1, 6, 12 or 24 months


Indien bovenstaande niet toereikeind.

Described in permit.

14 days or 1 month

Pilot cars

When it comes to escorts cars, frameworks apply in Poland.

Dimensions (LxBxH)

Max. weight

Escort cars

> 23,00 x 3,20 x 4,50

60.000 kg.


> 30,00 x 3,60 x 4,70

80.000 kg.



Permit for indivisible load required from: 16.50 x 2.55 x 4.00 x 40,000 kg.

In the case of a motor vehicle with a trailer, a permit for an indivisible load is required from: 18.75 x 2.55 x 4.00 x 40,000 kg.

Annual permit:
The maximum dimensions of an annual permit for Austria are: 25.00 x 3.50 x 4.20 x 60,000 kg.

An annual permit is not issued for all federal counties. A separate application is required for the federal states of Tyrol and Vorarlberg.

A road network is included in an annual permit. The annual exemption is only valid on the roads included herein. 

If the transport does not fall within the dimensions indicated here, please contact us without obligation for more information about an incidental permit.

Pilot cars

With regard to transport assistance, a distinction is made in Austria between four so-called "Stufen".

Stufe 1:
In accordance with the first Stufe, the transport must be accompanied by one escort car. The most important requirements are that this guide has a command of the German language, has knowledge of the local road network and is aware of the content of the exemption.

Stufe 2:
In accordance with the second Stufe, the transport is accompanied by a legal Austrian escort car driver, driving in an escort vehicle that meets the legal requirements.

Stufe 3:
In accordance with the third Stufe, legal Austrian escort cars are mandatory.

Stufe 4:
In accordance with the fourth Stufe, three legel Autrian escort cars are mandatory. In addition, a escort car is prescribed in accordance with the first Stufe.


Permit for abnormal road transport required from:

16,50 x 2,55 x 4,00 x 42.000 kg. with five axles.
16,50 x 2,55 x 4,00 x 48.000 kg. with six axles.

In the case of a railcar with a trailer, a permit for an abnormal road transport is required from a length of 18.75 in combination with the dimensions and axle configurations mentioned above.

In the Czech Republic it is only possible to apply for an incidental permit on route.

Pilot cars

The number of transport escorts in the Czech Republic is determined on the basis of the transport dimensions. The table below shows the number of escort cars required:

Dimensions (LxBxH)

Max. weight

Escort cars

Van 22,00 x 3,20 x 4,50 tot 29,50 x 3,95 x 5,50

59.999 kg.


Van 29,50 x 3,95 x 5,50 tot 39,50 x 3,95 x 5,50

99.999 kg.


> 39,50 x 3,95 x 5,50

> 100.000 kg.



Permit for abnormal road transport required from:

A tractor unit with a semi-trailer requires a permit if the following dimensions are exceeded: 30.00 x 4.00 x 4.40 x 48,000 kg.

For a truck with a trailer, a permit is required if these dimensions are exceeded: 25.25 x 4.00 x 4.40 x 60,000 kg.

The above dimensions only apply to carriers from EU and EEA countries. Different minimum dimensions apply for carriers from other countries.

Inspection certificate
In certain cases, a so-called Finnish technical inspection certificate is required. For more information about an inspection certificate, please contact our exemption department.

There are different types of permits in Finland. For example, annual exemptions are available and it is possible to apply for incidental permits with a duration ranging from one week to six months.

Pilot cars

The number of escorts in Finland is determined on the basis of the width and/or the length of the transport. The table below shows the horizontal lengths and vertically the widths on the basis of which the number of supervisors is determined. With regard to the height, one escort car is prescribed from five meters, any additional supervisors are determined on the basis of the length and width.


< 30,00

30,01 – 35,00

35,01 – 40,00

40,01 – 45,00

45,01 – 50,00

> 50,00

2,55 – 3,00






3,01 – 3,50







3,51 – 4,00







4,01 – 5,00







5,01 – 7,00







> 7,00








In Norway, a permit is required if the following dimensions are exceeded: 20.00 x 3.25 x 4.50 x 50t.

Norway has no long-term permits. Permits are only issued on route with a validity of one month.

Pilot cars

From a width of three meters and/or a length of 23.50, at least one escort car is prescribed in Norway. The exact number of escort cars is not known in advance and is determined by the authorities when the permit is issued.

In Sweden, a permit is required if a transport is wider than 3.50 meters or higher than 4.50 meters. A permit is also required for a length of at least 30 meters. If the transport is longer than 24 meters and at least one other legally permitted size is also exceeded, a permit is also necessary.

When it comes to weight, a permit is required from 42,000 kg. or 48,000 kg. If it concerns a five-axle combination, then from 42,000 kg. requires a permit. If a combination consists of six or more axles, then it is from 48,000 kg. a permit is necessary.

Sweden has no long-term permits. Permits are only issued on route with a validity of a maximum of three months.

Pilot cars
In addition to regular escort cars, Sweden also has VTL escorts. VTL stands for Vägtransportledare and can be seen as a replacement for the police. The table below, with horizontally the length dimensions and vertically the widths, shows the dimensions for which escort car and/or VTL is prescribed.


< 30,00

30,01 – 35,00

> 35,00

3,10 – 3,50



1 en 2 VTL

3,51 – 4,50



1 en 2 VTL

> 4,51 

1 en 2 VTL

2 en 2 VTL

2 en 2 VTL


*Only applicable outside the highway.


A permit is required for a tractor with a trailer if the following dimensions are exceeded: 16.50 x 2.55 x 4.20 x 40,000 kg.

For a truck with a trailer, a permit is required if these dimensions are exceeded: 18.75 x 2.55 x 4.20 x 40,000 kg.

In Switzerland, a distinction is made between two types of permits, an annual permit and an incidental permit. The maximum dimensions of an annual permit are 30.00 x 3.00 x 4.00 x 40,000 kg.

Pilot cars

In Switzerland, a distinction is made between private escort cars and ATB assistance. In the case of ATB assistance, police escort is prescribed in certain counties.
The table below shows when escort is prescribed. The prescribed escort depends on the width and length of the transport.

Nature of the exceedance

Dimensions, incl. loading

Private escort cars

ATB-escort or police assistance

Width (m)

3,51 – 3,80




> 3,80




> 3,30 in combinatie met een lengte > 25,00



Lenght (m)

30,00 – 35,00




> 35,00




> 30,00 in combinatie met een breedte > 3,60



Overhang front

> 5,00



Overhang behind

> 8,00


If you are looking for information about regulations in a country that is not included in our overview, please contact our exemption department.